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How Nature-Deficit Disorder Is Affecting Our Kids (and What We Can Do About It)

by Jenny Miller 

While it's not a formal medical diagnosis, nature-deficit disorder is no less alarming. The term was coined by author Richard Louv in his book, Last Child in the Woods, to describe the physical and psychological costs of the disconnect between humans and nature. This is concerning kids today who are spending less time in nature and more time indoors with their noses in electronic gadgets. This is not only depriving them of nature's innate benefits, but also giving rise to various learning, developmental, and health problems. Needless to say, understanding the disorder is as important as mitigating it. Here's what you need to know. 

Understanding the Problem 

Learn about nature-deficit disorder and why it could be affecting your kids. 

Recognizing the Benefits of Nature 

Spending more time in nature can benefit your children's mental, emotional, and physical health.

Encouraging Kids to Go Outdoors with Fun Activities 

Whether you're in your backyard or hiking in the woods, there's plenty of fun to be had!

Yes, nature-deficit disorder is real, but the outlook is far from grim. With solutions as simple and straightforward as taking kids outside to play, it's definitely well within your capacity as teachers and parents to alleviate and maybe even reverse the effects of this disorder. Indeed, here's no better time than now to reconnect with nature — the future depends on it! 

 Article author, Jenny Miller, teamed up with fellow retired teachers to create their site, StopNDD (Nature-Deficit Disorder) to inspire people young and old to take a break from the digital world and get out in the real world.

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