Cherokee County Educational Foundation     

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CCEF’s Summer Grant Application Period is Now Open!

Since its establishment in 2012, the Cherokee County Education Foundation has awarded nearly $1,000,000 in grants to CCSD students, teachers, and schools. In years past, applicants could apply for Rapid Grants in some parts of the school year, while applying for Impact Grants over the weeks of winter break. This year, CCEF is proud to announce a change to our grant application process that will allow for teachers, faculty and staff to apply for funds starting today, July 1st 2024!

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Why Invest in Disadvantaged Students

Not everyone has the same story. Some students show up to school every day and can effortlessly pass all their classes, while others may need more help to achieve the same success. However, these disadvantaged students haven't always received the attention they needed to help them succeed. 

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Giveaway for CCSD Middle School and High School Teachers!

Geiger Legal Group wants to reward TWO hard-working teachers from EACH Middle School and High School in Cherokee County with a "Classroom Necessities" rolling cart again this year. But we need your help!

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CCEF Awards $33,000 in Classroom Impact Grants: Grant Highlights

The Cherokee County Educational Foundation was delighted to award 23 teachers in the Cherokee County School District with Classroom Impact Grants, totaling over $33,000 for the 2023-2024 school year! 

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Lace Up for a Cause: Join Us at the Cherokee County Chick-fil-A 5K!

On Saturday, August 17th, 2024, join the Cherokee County community for an exciting morning at Etowah River Park in Canton, GA, for the 11th Annual Cherokee County Chick-fil-A 5K! Over the past eleven years, this event has contributed over $300,000 to the Cherokee County Educational Foundation and Cherokee County Special Olympics, proving that every step taken is a stride towards making a significant impact in our local community.

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4 Self-Care Strategies to Help You Make the Most of Summer Break

As our 2022-2023 school year winds down to a close in the coming days, teachers, faculty, staff, parents and students alike find themselves longing for a well-deserved summer break. Whether your summer will be filled wall-to-wall with activities or spent in full relaxation mode, we can all learn a thing or two about self-care as we take time to rec...

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Thankfulness in the Classroom

There's no time like November to get into a thankful spirit, and showing your gratitude is a fantastic way to increase feelings like joy and optimism across everyone, from teachers and students to faculty, staff and parents. For the Cherokee County Educational Foundation, what we are most thankful for is everyone who supports our mission: supporting the students and staff of the Cherokee County School District; from our sponsors, contributors, board members, volunteers and everyone in-between – thank you! 

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Setting Goals for the Classroom in 2023

With the Holiday season approaching, along with a much-needed break, students, teachers, and faculty are all looking forward to different things: enjoying time spent with the family, getting some much-needed rest, and much more. Oftentimes, we forget that by the time the holiday break ends, and everyone makes their return to school, that we are in a new year! 

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Three Great Ways to Keep Students Engaged at Year-End

Somehow May is already right around the corner and the last day for students is just a month away! One of the most challenging aspects of a school year's end is teachers keeping their students engaged and motivated.

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Your Classroom Cleanout Guide

The end of the school year is finally here! While many of our great teachers, faculty, and staff are ready for a relaxing summer break, there are typically a couple of final things that we must deal with before we say goodbye to our classrooms for the summer. Whether you're moving to a new classroom, changing grades, or just had a hectic year full of clutter, we all must make decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of come this time of year. 

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No Room for Hunger in Cherokee County

Many kids rely on the meals provided to them by their school to keep them fed. So, what happens when they're out for the summer and are no longer able to obtain food? The answer is disheartening – they often go hungry.

"6 out of 7 hungry kids don't get the summer meals they need." Reports No Kid Hungry.

This is a reality that so many children face, but thanks to the funding of the USDA Seamless Summer Option, less kids are going hungry in the summer months.

The Cherokee County School District Nutrition Department and the Transportation Department joined forces to take an old school bus and turn it into a sign of hope for so many children. This sign of hope came in the form of a new delivery bus.

This café on wheels made a big impact on Cherokee County's community. The only requirements are that the recipients of these summer meals must be 18 years old or younger, and that they eat the meal on-site – no identification required! Kids can eat either in the bus or on the tables and chairs provided that surround the bus.

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Impact of Quality Schools on Real Estate Prices

 There are many pieces to the puzzle when deciding a location to build or buy a house. Some of the puzzle pieces include:

  • Surrounding Community 
  • School District
  • Job Security
  • Surrounding Housing Market
  • Tax Rates 
  • Mortgage Rates
  2888 Hits

The Importance of Teacher Appreciation

Can you think back to at least one teacher that impacted your life? 

Whether you were in school 2 years ago or 20 years ago, there is probably more than one name popping in your head of a teacher that saw you, believed in you, and pushed you. The narrative is the same for so many people as they realize the power a teacher holds on their students. 

Maybe a teacher showed you kindness when you needed a smiling face. Or maybe a teacher saw your potential and didn't accept mediocrity. The support of teachers comes in so many different forms, but they have an impact that extends far beyond the walls of the school. 

Despite their advantageous pursuit of forming the young minds of the next generation, teachers are often overlooked and underappreciated. 

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CCEF to Participate in AmazonSmile

Have you ever heard of the phrase "every penny counts"? You might have heard someone say this and think that it's just a phrase people say to try to rope you into donating your money to a cause. Well, there's a reason that phrase is used so frequently – it's because it's true!

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Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

This is a hot topic as people debate if utilizing technology in the classroom is harmful or helpful to the learning experience. There are great arguments for both as some teachers find it to be distracting while others enjoy the benefits technology has to offer. There was a time when libraries and paper documents were the only reliable source for academic information. Phones only made calls. If you wanted portable music, you had to have a Walkman. Social media didn't exist, and if you wanted to get somewhere you either looked at a map or printed off MapQuest instructions before you left for your trip. The times have certainly changed.

Current school-aged kids were born between 2001 and 2016. This means the students that now occupy classrooms have barely known a life without Google, iPods, GPS, Wi-Fi, or social media. While there are some issues that come with the world revolving around devices, what if these devices and advances in technology could benefit a student's education? What if they could make a difference in the classroom? Good news, they already are making a difference! With the advance of technology, there have been so many doors opened for students and teachers alike.

Here are 5 benefits of utilizing technology in the classroom!

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Cherokee County School District Data Protection Plan

By Bobby Blount 

Technology has become an important part of the classroom, and as it has gained traction in the school system, it has become necessary to implement a data protection plan to protect the students of Cherokee County. The Cherokee County School District has implemented several strategies for protecting student information and investments as it relates to technology use. With an environment of continuous threats throughout the world, we find that we must remain vigilant to maintain and sustain a secured networked environment for our teaching and learning community.

While much of the responsibility for data security and protection falls upon the Division of Technology & Information Services, all users in the CCSD education community have a significant part to play in helping to keep information and devices protected. Here are some ways CCSD protects the students!

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When Little Ears are Straining to Listen

In our previous blog, Giving Tuesday – A Reason to Give, we were asking for donations in honor of Giving Tuesday. We wanted to show you just what you're giving to when you choose to donate to the Cherokee County Educational Foundation. Your contributions make a difference in children's lives as they navigate their education. Not every journey is the same, and some students have to get creative to consume information in a way that will be truly beneficial.

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Making a Makerspace

The last couple of weeks, we have been discussing the power that your donations have on the students of Cherokee County. Last week in our blog, When Little Ears are Straining to Listen, we went into the details of an IMPACT grant that went towards devices that helped students who may have auditory struggles hear their teachers and classmates better. This helped students focus better and gave them a fun way to contribute to classroom conversations. This week, we will be discussing another approved grant that has helped students develop additional skills. This program will ultimately help students obtain skills that will help them as they head into high school, higher education, and the workforce.

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4 Teacher Tips for a Smooth Transition Post Winter Break

It's an exciting time of year for everyone! There's a buzz of energy as parents are rushing around for gifts, students are taking their last tests, and teachers wrap up grading before heading home to their own families. After a couple of weeks of holiday treats, an abundance of gifts, and plentiful family time, students and teachers alike may be avoiding thoughts of heading back to school. Alas, it will come if you're ready or not – so might as well be ready! Teachers, here are 4 tips for a smooth transition back into school after your holiday break.

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Tips to Conquer Professional Learning Day

Your students are at home enjoying a day off from school – however, you're not doing the same. Don't be disappointed you're not at home in your pajamas - look at the silver lining! Learning and growing is an important part of any industry but should be especially emphasized for teachers as there is constantly new technology and methods that can be beneficial in the classroom. Here are some tips for experiencing professional learning day for all it has to offer.

  2432 Hits
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