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How the Georgia Lottery Benefits Future and Past Cherokee County Students

You probably know that the Georgia Lottery donates towards education – specifically for Pre-Kindergarten and college students. However, the real question is this: Is Cherokee County directly affected by the Georgia Lottery? Do our students actually experience the benefits of the lottery? While K-12 public education districts do not directly benefit, the answer is yes! 

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When Teaching is More Than a Job


For centuries, society has adapted to changes in its surroundings whether it be the prosperity of the Industrial Revolution, the despair of World War II, or the pandemic of 2020.  We shift, we compromise, we create, and we do what must be done to survive. Though the narrative has been the same, that doesn't make this period of tribulation any less difficult. Everyone has felt it in one way or another, including students both young and old, and their teachers who have made the impossible, possible. 

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Kurt Lee Wheeler Helps Feed CCSD Students


As a child's brain is developing, food is crucial to the process. Not having the proper food and nutrients can affect many things including a child's mood, academic performance, ability to concentrate, and physical health. We want our students to succeed and live a happy, healthy life. Food security and nutrition can play a big part in this and we aim to make sure our students have all the tools they need to succeed whether they're learning in the classroom or their own homes. Thanks to the community and Kurt Lee Wheeler, we're able to work towards having the resources needed to feed our students. 

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CCSD Seeks to Feed Title I Students

By Lisa-Marie Haygood  

If asked to reflect on someone that taught you something in life, memories would vary from person to person. Learning to ride a bike, or bake a cake, or tie your shoes. Teachers come in many shapes and sizes, and life lessons come in a variety of containers as well. We have seen life lessons and history being shaped right in front of us. 

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CCSD Teacher Promotes Environmental Education

Karen Garland Assisting Discovery Statewide

In the words of a great American poet, Mark Van Doren, "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." Karen Garland certainly hasn't gone unseen for her passion of assisting discovery. You may know her from social media as she was featured wearing her CCEF shirt all the way in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Or perhaps you heard of her receiving the Teacher of the Year Award at Clark Creek Elementary School STEM Academy in 2019. Most recently, she has continuously proven her success as she was selected to serve on a statewide science education board. 

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A Gala to Remember

The Celebration of Education Gala is one of CCEF's biggest events, and each year it is highly anticipated. After months of planning, working out logistics, and looking for donors, the night arrived, and we could not be happier with the outcome of this event. Our hearts were as full as the room was and the culmination of this event left us feeling so grateful for our community and all you do for the Cherokee County School District. 

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Kia Supports CCSD

Get Involved!  

You have likely seen #CCSDFam across social media, blogs, and Cherokee County school websites. It's something we truly believe in, and we're constantly blown away by the involvement of our community to make this the best possible school district for our students. We are proud to announce that we have recently developed a partnership with both Carriage Kia of Woodstock and Jim Ellis Kia of Kennesaw in an effort to raise more funds for more schools!

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Celebrating Hometown Greats

 By. Lisa-Marie Haygood 

The Celebration of Education Gala benefiting the Cherokee County Educational Foundation took place on March 7th at the Northside Cherokee Conference Center. The black-tie event was presented by Northside Hospital Cherokee and was filled with more than 400 guests dining on delectable food served by Carrabba's Restaurant and bidding on silent auction items provided by business partners and friends of the Cherokee County School District. 

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Census 2020

It's that time of the decade... 

It's 2020 and with the new decade comes the Census Bureau in search of information about you and your household. Despite it being your civic duty, you should be eager to participate in this as it has an impact on the community and decisions that are being made. 

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CCSD Expanding To-Go Student Meal Program

From Barbara Jacoby, Chief Communications Officer of Cherokee County School District:   

CCSD is expanding its school closure to-go student meals program to include additional sites and to extend to Spring Break.

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2019-2020 Annual Report

This year is already off to a great start, but we don't want to forget everything that we accomplished as a foundation last year. In case you missed them, we want to recognize some of our biggest events and the growth we have experienced over the past eight years. We are so thankful to have such a large community willing to give of their time and money to make each year better than the last. It takes a village, and Cherokee County is certainly one of the best as we seek to cultivate a thorough educational experience for our students. 

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Parent University: Parental Involvement in Education

Parenting isn't for the faint of heart, and anyone who is a parent knows the struggles that come with helping your child navigate through school academically and socially. Not only are parents helping their children navigate school life, but they're also helping them sift through all of the physical and emotional changes that come with being a kid. And boy is the world a different place than when many of us were young! That's why the Cherokee County School District has stepped in as a resource through Parent University.

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CCEF Annual Celebration of Education Gala

By.  Lisa-Marie Haygood

Who doesn't love the chance to get dressed up and have a fun night out on the town while benefiting a great cause? The Cherokee County Educational Foundation will be hosting their Annual Celebration of Education Gala on Saturday night, March 7th presented by Northside Hospital Cherokee Bluffs Conference Center.

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Time for T-Shirts

There's always room for more t-shirts! Especially if they're comfortable and support a good cause. In 2019 we launched our 8th annual T-Shirt Fundraising Campaign, and our supporters have been buying them left and right. We have some more, and we want to make sure we get one in your hands! 

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Alumni of the Year Award Nominations

There are so many people in our community who are deserving to be recognized for their outstanding contributions both within Cherokee County and beyond. While we can think of many people that would be a perfect fit for the Alumni of the Year award, we want to hear from you. We want you to nominate someone you think is deserving of this honor! After we evaluate the nominations, we will recognize the selected alumna and alumnus at this year's Celebration of Education Gala!

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy in Education

Mahatma Gandhi. Florence Nightingale. William Shakespeare. Albert Einstein. Michelangelo. Jane Austen. Mother Teresa. These are all men and women who came into this world and left it better than they found it through art, philosophy, science, math, and a passion for others. Among these influencers is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

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Get Ready for the Gala!

It's time to get excited! We're less than two months away from the 2020 Celebration of Education Gala, and we can't wait to see you there.

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How to Make Your Grant Application Stand Out

We're just a few days away from the deadline for CCEF Impact grants. In case you need some help pulling your grant together – here are some pointers on how to make your grant application stand out! 

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Tips to Conquer Professional Learning Day

Your students are at home enjoying a day off from school – however, you're not doing the same. Don't be disappointed you're not at home in your pajamas - look at the silver lining! Learning and growing is an important part of any industry but should be especially emphasized for teachers as there is constantly new technology and methods that can be beneficial in the classroom. Here are some tips for experiencing professional learning day for all it has to offer.

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4 Teacher Tips for a Smooth Transition Post Winter Break

It's an exciting time of year for everyone! There's a buzz of energy as parents are rushing around for gifts, students are taking their last tests, and teachers wrap up grading before heading home to their own families. After a couple of weeks of holiday treats, an abundance of gifts, and plentiful family time, students and teachers alike may be avoiding thoughts of heading back to school. Alas, it will come if you're ready or not – so might as well be ready! Teachers, here are 4 tips for a smooth transition back into school after your holiday break.

  3105 Hits
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